Information Technology Integrated Projects

Click on a project title below to view project materials.

Project Title
Key Concepts
Suggested Courses for Implementation
Interactive Media
Math: linear and non-linear equations
Science: explosions and extinctions of life, geologic time scale, geologic eras

Keywords: graphic design web design, Flash animation, animated GIFs, geologic time scale
Introduction to Graphic Design, Introduction to Animation, Web Design, College Algebra, Earth Science, Geology, Biology, Botany, Environmental Science
Interactive Media
Math: scientific notation, charts and graphs, linear and logarithmic relationships
Science: emergence and extinctions of life forms, geologic time scale, geologic eras, origin of the atmosphere and oceans, the formation of Earth's continents

Keywords: web design, web development cycle, geologic time scale
Web Design, Interactive Media, Animation/Special Effects, Graphic Design, Intermediate and College Algebra, Earth Science, Geology, Biology, Environmental Science
Information Support and Services
Math: trend analysis, data discrepancies, probability, modeling, linear and non-linear relationships, inferential statistics
Science: oceanography, tidal patterns, seismic wave propagation, Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting data, tsunami

Keywords: Network topology, Tsunami sensors, IP address, Routers, switches, hubs, DART
Networking, Data Communications, Wireless Data Systems, Information Systems Security, Simulation Programming, Algebra (pre- to College-level), Pre-Calculus, Statistics, Geology, Oceanography
Information Support and Services
Science: geophysics, geology, seismic data, automatic data retrieval data analysis, database programming

Keywords: Import data (into a spreadsheet), Data analysis (with a spreadsheet), Comma delimited (CSV), Fields & records, columns and rows (as related to a database), Sort order, sort key, Earthquake data, United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Geophysics, Statistics, Geology, Programming
Network Systems
Math: logarithms, algebra, polar graphing, ratios, formula use
Science: electromagnetic radiation, dipole vs. isotropic radiation, wavelengths, radio frequency signal strength

Keywords: radio frequency (RF) signal strength, antenna designs, antenna radiation patterns, wireless networks
Wireless LAN Fundamentals; Telecommunications, Networking, and Wireless Technologies; Electrical Fundamentals for Telecommunications; Signal Transmission and Radio Frequency Fundamentals; Microwave Communications; Applied Computational Electromagnetics; Antenna Theory and Design; RF Safety; Intro to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves; Network Security and WiFi Standards; Intermediate and College Algebra; Pre-Calculus
Network Systems
Math: computational skills (arithmetic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic), spreadsheet use
Science: AC power, power consumption, alternative power sources, power conservation, Ohm's law, voltage

Keywords: Network Operations Center, power distribution, emergency power backup, energy conservation, power conditioning
Network Management; Network Design; Data Network Security; Information Systems Security; Computer Electronics Technology; Electrical Technology; Computer Service and Support; College Algebra; Introductory Physics; Electrical Engineering Applications
Programming and Software Development
Math: trend analysis, regression, spreadsheet use, correlations (both linear and non-linear), analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Science: analysis of climate data available on the web, global warming, atmospheric and oceanic conditions

Keywords: data from Internet databases; Entity Relationship Model (ERM); Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD); entities, attributes, and relationships; importing data into a database; data analysis (such as trend analysis, regression); interpreting ER diagrams to create a database design
Database Fundamentals; Database Programming; Introduction to SQL; Advanced Computer Applications; Spreadsheet Analysis; Statistics, Calculus for Technical Applications; College Algebra; Oceanography; Physical Science; Meteorology; Environmental Science
Programming and Software Development
Math: first-order and second-order approximations, accuracy, angles, differential equations
Science: pendulum, period, length, mass, center of mass, angular deflection

Keywords: pendulum, Runge-Kutta method, math modeling, programming complex mathematics, computer simulation,
Introductory Programming, Spreadsheet Programming, Physics, College Algebra