The organizations listed below offer web-based educational resources within the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster. This list is provided as a resource for community college faculty. It is not exhaustive and inclusion does not constitute endorsement by CORD, the League for Innovation, the States Career Cluster Initiative or the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education.
Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center
The Advanced Technology Environmental Education Center (ATEEC) is a national
center that promotes and supports environmental technology education to
address the needs of the national and global workforce.
MATE - Marine Advanced Technology Education Resource Center
The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center is national in scope, but works through regional partnerships.
Partners help to create new curricula, collect information from employers, and share 'best practices' related to Marine
Technology Education. One of the Center's main goals is to collect information from employers as to what skills, knowledge
and abilities are needed for select marine related occupations.
Combining Real and Virtual Professional Development for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
The On the Cutting Edge professional development program aims to improve the quality of undergraduate geoscience education
through an integrated synergistic series of workshops and web-based resources. The program will enhance the participants'
content knowledge in emerging fields and promote exemplary teaching practices; develop effective on-line resources to
support existing workshops and provide widely accessible electronic versions of workshops to extend the influence of the
workshops; and develop an active cohort of educators involved in further dissemination. The program is funded through
five-year Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement - National Dissemination grants awarded by the National Science
Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education to each of the PIs.
FAO Water Development and Management Unit
The Water Development and Management Unit of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations assists countries of the world
with water management and conservation projects. The organization's Web site provides links to several water management databases,
research papers, and international water and agricultural project information.
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point & Nonpoint Sources (BASINS)
BASINS is a multipurpose environmental analysis system that integrates a Geographical Information System (GIS),
national watershed data, and state-of-the-art modeling tools into a downloadable software package that can be used
on personal computers. Designed for use by regional, state, and local agencies in performing watershed and water
quality-based studies, this system makes it possible to quickly assess large amounts of point source
and non-point source data in a format that is easy to use and understand. BASINS allows the user to assess
water quality at selected stream sites or throughout an entire watershed. This invaluable tool integrates environmental
data, analytical tools, and modeling programs to support development of cost-effective approaches to watershed management and
environmental protection. The EPA program Web site provides links to live classes, downloadable lectures, and exercises.
Earth Exploration Toolbook
The Earth Exploration Toolbook is a collection of computer-based Earth science activities. Each activity, or chapter,
introduces one or more data sets and an analysis tool that enables users to explore some aspect of the Earth system.
Step-by-step instructions in each chapter walk users through an example-a case study in which they access data and use
analysis tools to explore issues or concepts in Earth system science. In the course of completing a chapter, users produce
and analyze maps, graphs, images, or other data products. The ultimate goal of each activity is to build user's skills and
confidence so they can use data to conduct their own investigations of the Earth system.
Estimating Water Use by Plants
The Washington State University-Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center Web site offers an introduction to
estimating plant water usage through a JavaScript Penman equation
calculator that integrates sunlight, temperature, humidity, and wind speed data.
Environmental Science Activities for the 21st Century
The Environmental Science Activities for the 21st Century (ESA21) project provides multi-week activity modules around
major topics in environmental science. The three- to five-week modules combine wet labs with computer
simulations, online quizzes/communication and computerized data laboratory instrumentation. In the selected activity,
students investigate how their personal diets affect the agricultural demands of a hypothetical country.
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science offers a collection of cases in Anatomy & Physiology,
Anthropology, Astronomy, Atmospheric Science/Meteorology, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Computer Science,
Ecology/Environment, Evolutionary Biology, Food Science, General Cases, Geography/GIS, Geology, Limnology,
Mathematics/Statistics, Medical Ethics, Medicine/Health, Microbiology, Molecular Biology/Genetics,
Nutrition, Pharmacy, Physics/Engineering, Plant Science, Psychology for use in STEM cluster pathways.
The Web site includes information and videos on the use of case studies to teach STEM topics.
The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science
The Habitable Planet is a multimedia course for high school teachers and adult learners interested in studying
environmental science. The Web site provides access to course content and activities developed by leading
scientists and researchers in the field. Each Earth science topic has an online textbook, video, interactive lab,
visuals, list of scientists in that particular field, professional development guide and glossary.
TOXMAP is an Interactive environment health e-map showing toxic releases and hazardous waste sites from the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
and the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).
Curriculum Foundations Project
This Bowdoin College mathematics faculty Web page disseminates 20 reports on a series of eleven interdisciplinary
workshops held across the United States through the Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years (CRAFTY) project.
Each Curriculum Foundations workshop consisted of 20-35 participants, the majority chosen from non-mathematics disciplines,
the remainder chosen from mathematics. Each workshop was a dialogue among the representatives from the partner discipline,
with mathematicians present only to listen and serve as a resource when questions about the mathematics curriculum arose.
Each workshop produced a report written by representatives of the partner discipline, directed to the mathematics community
summarizing the workshop's recommendations and conclusions.
AgrowKnowledge is the National Center for Agriscience and Technology Education, a national partnership of community colleges.
The work of the Center is enhanced by the involvement of business and industry, leading universities in agriculture education,
secondary schools, and professional associations. The purpose of AgrowKnowledge is to strengthen the math, science and technology
skills of college agriculture students by delivering high quality professional development workshops and curriculum to secondary
and postsecondary educators that incorporate new and emerging technologies into agriculture, food and natural resources programs;
responsive to agriculture industry employment opportunities. The Web site includes curriculum materials, degree
plans, and information on tracking enrollments and developing recruiting tools to include underrepresented students.
EarthMath: Classroom Projects with Environmental Applications
Versatile, technology-intensive Earth Math materials are designed for use in the classroom and can be used in any course ranging
from algebra through calculus independent of the course textbook. The features include a guided inquiry format, web-based
interactive materials, seamless interface with state-of-the-art technology, use of real data, interesting, comprehensive
applications of mathematical concepts, and versatility and flexibility of classroom use. Earth Math materials provide students
with illustrations of applications of mathematics in a meaningful real-life context and offer students experience in using modern
technology to gather data, analyze and solve problems.
Partnership for Plant Genomics Education
The Partnership for Plant Genomics Education (PPGE) is dedicated to developing an educational program dealing with plant
genomics and biotechnology that is targeted towards secondary level students. Our intent is to help cultivate an informed
citizenry that understands the concepts and issues involved in the burgeoning field of genomics and biotechnology.
Goals of the PPGE include the creation and distribution of educational software and on-line materials, development of
associated hands-on activities, equipment loan programs, teacher training, and student internships.
Transforming Undergraduate Earth Science: The Social Significance of Earth Processes
An introductory physical geology course that emphasizes environmental concerns and human interaction with earth systems.
Earth science computer visualization; Geo Wall 3D imaging; Rain Table Active learning via manipulation of 3D computer images
New earth science course "The Dynamic Earth" and supplementary computer modules. Links to other courses. Sample problems. Lecture notes.